Slider SubheadingBig ideas for small companies. Peter Harris Creative is a small firm that brings a full measure of marketing sense and creative talent to every assignment. Our size and makeup allow us to combine the breadth and scope of a large agency with the focus and agility of a dedicated team.
Some of our Features
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About you: your vision
If you're like us, you're really good at some things, and not so good at others. Part of what makes your business special is your vision—the driving force that only you can bring to the table. To accomplish your objectives you must determine what you alone can do, and what needs to be delegated. -
About us: our philosophy
We develop client-centric, market-oriented narratives tailored to specific audiences. We take a problem solving approach, even when the "problem" is to build upon an already successful business model. Too often, small companies hire a market firm or a design firm only to discover they're getting half a solution. The truth is, effective marketing requires a combination of left-brain logic and right-brain creativity. We bring a full measure of marketing sense and creative talent to every project. -
What we can do together
Your company may be large or small; well established or just starting out; poised for growth or needing to curb diminishing sales. Whatever your circumstances, let us help you determine how marketing communications can facilitate your efforts and contribute to your success.